Thursday, January 18, 2007


Everything's pretty much falling into place now. I got my internship at a foundation that runs 3 galleries, working in their marketing department on a rebranding project. For those of you that know what it is, pretty cool, huh?

My last class, Victorian Art and Society, seems very cool. Every class is held at a gallery or a museum, which is exactly what I wanted in an art history class over here in London.

Tonight we're hitting up a pub with live music. Tomorrow I think we're going to the British Museum and then a walk of the International Students' House at night (free beer, or so I'm told). Saturday is a walk around some other touristy parts of London I missed (more photos!) and Sunday there is apparently a walk around London's East End Markets. And next weekend, a very anticlimactic 21st birthday! (The drinking age here is 18 - sort of a letdown after 21 years of buildup in the states!)



At 6:08 PM, Blogger Mr Tim said...


I am, as, I'm certain, is everyone else who read your blog, very proud of you. And also of the Somerset House for making the right choice. And to the dean of the History Department at American for not being a complete moron.



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